What does the Cost of a Coffee™
mean to you?

£ 0
The cost of coffee

The Cost of a Coffee™ can radically change a life
in Europe's poorest country, Moldova.

The cost of a coffee in the UK can be as much as £3.00 and quite often we will pay it, without giving it a second thought.

But what if I told you what I could do with that £3.00 here in Moldova?
Would you consider “buying them a coffee” every month, too?
Take a look at what our team can do with the Cost of a Coffee™:


For the Cost of a Coffee™ I can buy an incubator and ensure a baby has a great start to life.


For the Cost of a Coffee™ we can teach children in Moldova computer skills, equipping them for the future.

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For the Cost of a Coffee™ we can help safeguard thousands of refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.


For the Cost of a Coffee™ we can bring hope to orphans and children with disabilities.


For the Cost of a Coffee™ we was able get this young man an electric wheelchair. With your monthly support, we can do this more often.


For the Cost of a Coffee™ we can fight human traffickers and protect vulnerable women and children.


For the Cost of a Coffee™ we can take food to the front line and feed desperate families and soldiers in the Ukraine war.
